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Writer's picture: PaisadventurePaisadventure

Breathtaking Barichara, one of Colombia's Pueblos de Patrimonio, is a great place to get away from it all. In fact, Barichara means "place of rest" in the indigenous Guane language. This small, quiet town founded on January 25, 1705, has everything you need to unwind.

Plaza Principal is the main plaza and focal point of life in town. Some of the most important buildings in town are on the plaza, including the Alcaldía (town hall), Casa de la Cultura (a museum of local history and culture), and Instituto Técnico Aquileo Parra (a school).

The crown jewel of the plaza is the Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción, which was built in 1848 with stone taken from a local quarry. The sun gives it a different color throughout the day. In the morning it has a yellow tint, while in the afternoon has a touch of orange.

Just a few blocks uphill from the main plaza in Barichara is Plazuela de Santa Bárbara. It contains the 18th century Capilla de Santa Bárbara as well as a sculpture of a cross and two oxen.

Next door to the church is the Parque para las Artes Jorge Delgado Sierra. This small park opened in 1988 and is dedicated to local stone carvers. It contains 22 stone sculptures connected by channels of water.

From the road along Plazuela de Santa Bárbara, you can get the iconic views of Barichara looking down over the rooftops. These views are often reproduced in photographs of the town. The best view is a block from the plazuela towards the western edge of town, which looks down towards the cathedral.

To learn about one of the local handicrafts, visit Fundación San Lorenzo, a small paper factory that uses different plant fibers to make paper. Some of the plants used include aloe, papyrus, plantain, sugarcane, pineapple, corn, fique, marijuana, and coca.

When you're finished touring the town, cool off at the Mirador. This lookout features a bar that serves drinks overlooking the valley below. The views are spectacular!

Visit Barichara on any customized tour with Paisadventure.

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